Soon the opening of the "Zigana" tunnel project, the largest in Europe

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The work is nearing completion and the countdown has begun for the opening of a new development project in Turkey, specifically next April. The “Zigana Tunnel” is the largest of its kind in Europe, and the second in the world after the “Zongnan Char” double land tunnel, which is located in China and is 36.4 km long. meters, while the length of the “Zingana” tunnel is about 14.5 km.

The Zigana Tunnel in Turkey is one of the most important transportation projects in the country, and even one of the largest infrastructure projects, and it is a tunnel that is being constructed on the "Trabzon - Gumushane" road. Tunnel construction work has started since April 2016, as Turkey seeks through the construction of this project to connect its cities with mega projects that will raise the level of services in general. The tunnel will also contribute to reducing transportation costs in eastern Anatolia, and reducing the distance

Between “Gumushane and Trabzon” to only 40 minutes. Turkey seeks to provide all parts of the country with giant projects that will raise the level of services in general, which affects investment opportunities, whether in terms of real estate investment, tourism or other sectors. This project is a new and giant project and is expected to achieve a leap in the level of transportation. in Turkey. On the commercial front, the tunnel is located on the historic Silk Road that connects the eastern Black Sea with the Middle East, the Caucasus and Iran, and will contribute to faster and more reliable international trade with local land transportation.

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