How to be a successful real estate investor in Turkey

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In this article, we discuss the most important elements or conditions that must be met in order for your investment, specifically in Turkey, to be a successful investment. Many investors or real estate buyers are sometimes surprised that they have fallen into an unprofitable investment process or may lose at other times. We are MBANY Real Estate as an investment company And real estate consultancy, specifically in Turkey, we offer you some points to be provided and some tips and instructions that you must follow in order for your real estate investment to be successful and profitable in Turkey. Real estate investment in Turkey is important and one of the best investments at the moment. To be a successful investor in this field, you must first determine:



Choosing the area or location is an important thing, it must be distinctive and vital when buying a property, and these are considered one of the basic rules for a successful real estate investment. Before buying, you should look for a distinctive and vital location for the property you want to buy in order to make a large profit on your investment. In order to be a successful and profitable investor, you must be fully aware of every step you take. The location of the property has a large and effective role in its price and investment in the long term. They said "the right person in the right place" and here we say "the right property in the right location". You should choose the property close to the city center and be close to public transportation, shopping centers and public services. These factors affect the price of the property and therefore your investment will be successful and profitable.

Property age

The age of the property to be purchased is very important, you have to determine the age of the property in terms of whether it is new or old, and what is meant by the age of the property here is the date of its construction. There are important rules in real estate investment, the age of the property is one of these important rules, if the property has a privileged location and a new property, your investment is successful and profitable. We have statistics on the real estate market in Turkey. According to all the studies that have been conducted on the real estate market, real estate increases annually by a certain percentage that depends on its location and age. If the property is new and enjoys a privileged location, especially its proximity to future projects, the profit rate in it is high, try as much as possible either Buying a property in a privileged location or buying a property at a cheap price in the vicinity of luxury real estate. In order to reap a huge profit from real estate investment, always remember this question, "Where do you live? How old are you?"


You must set a specific budget to buy a suitable property, this will save you a lot of time and effort. The investor must be aware of every step he takes when buying a property, always remember that real estate prices differ from one city to another and differ from one region to another region in the same city. Any real estate company is very interested in this matter, so do not be surprised, for example, when the real estate consultant asks you what is your financial budget to buy the property, it is an important question for us because when setting a specific budget for buying the property saves us and you a lot of time.


And what we mean here is to determine the main objective of the purchase that helps us in choosing the right property for you. Before you start buying a property in Turkey, you must determine some important points, including what is the reason for buying the property or what is its goal. The purpose of buying a property varies from person to person. Some of us buy for the purpose of housing, others buy for the purpose of investment, and many buy for the purpose of real estate residence in Turkey or Turkish citizenship. Here comes our role as a real estate investment and consultancy company to determine what is right for you, if the goal of the purchase is a profitable investment, the property must be in a vital location and close to transportation and shopping centers, as mentioned earlier. If the purpose of the purchase is for housing, the property must be close to schools and universities and far from the noise of the city. If it is for the purpose of residence, then determining the city or region comes primarily because there are areas in certain cities in Turkey that do not grant real estate residence, whatever the price of the property, and if it is for the purpose of Turkish citizenship, the role of the budget comes in this matter.. Determining the goal of investment is an important step. .. If you set your goal now, view our investment offers on the site, and we, in turn, will make this investment profitable and fruitful.

Real estate advice

Consulting a real estate specialist before buying is helpful in choosing the right property. Buying a property in Turkey is not difficult, there are many companies specializing in real estate investment in Turkey. You must first, before buying, choose a reliable party to consult with them, in order to guarantee you the most suitable and profitable real estate selection for you at the same time. We are MBANY Real Estate and through our advisory cadres, whether real estate or legal, are at your service in this field. We have extensive experience and highly profitable and fruitful results with many customers. Determine your location, budget and goal and see our investment offers. All you have to do is ask us some questions: What are the average prices in the region ?. How will the region be in the future? Will the area witness an urban development? And other questions about the age of the building and the service facilities in the area and .... etc., from our previous experiences, your investment with us will have fulfilled your ambition.

Profit return

If your real estate investment is for the purpose of a profitable return, then you should buy real estate from which you can get a high and excellent rental return. We have said that the purpose of buying the property must be determined, here we will know the importance of determining the purpose of the purchase. Real estate investment in Turkey should be used very well. The property must be studied in all its aspects properly and well. If you have a bad side in the property, this does not mean that we cancel the purchase, but rather negotiate the price. If we do a comprehensive study of the average rental income in the region, this helps us to reap a lot of profits. This study includes all the real estate fees in Turkey that will be paid from the types of taxes that are paid upon transfer of ownership or the so-called title deed expenses. There are also other expenses that must be carefully considered. New and modern construction brings in a lot of tenants and that means a lot of profit. In addition, buying a property close to the service facilities guarantees you a lot of profit. Service facilities such as transportation, shopping malls, schools and shops also play an important role in your real estate investment for the purpose of the monthly return. These service facilities play a large role in determining the amount of daily or monthly rent. As if these elements are available in your investment, the demand for real estate will be excellent and fruitful.

Property management

Managing the property after purchasing it is an important aspect of real estate investment. Property management consists in re-maintenance of the property from time to time in order to bring tenants to you. The property must be maintained from time to time because this affects your property in the future. Investors who intend to buy a property for profitable return investment must focus on managing the property in order to make a huge profit for them. The property can be managed by a person or company specialized in this field, or by you, the owner of the property, why not, you will become a successful real estate investor in Turkey after this article and we, MBANY Real Estate, will be your advisor and your success.


Through this simple article, we have provided you with some of the things, tips and factors that make real estate investment in Turkey elements that make you a successful investor. We have focused only on the important points, and this never prevents that there are second points that differ from one person to another, for each person has a special vision, in order to be an investor, all you have to do is define your investment goal and MBANY Real Estate is always at your service in order to be a successful real estate investor.





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